I was unsure of whether to share this post directly after my previous one, as it’s the same walk, leading to the same beach, but the light was incredible and I couldn’t resist sharing this place again so soon. It’s funny as in my bio at the bottom of the home page I’ve written: ‘this is my blog about coastal living and exploring Scotland,’ and yet, really, it’s become my blog about walks in East Lothian. We haven’t explored much beyond our local area since 2020 – and I’m sure we’re not alone in this.
What is the first thing you notice when looking at the photo above? Is it the moon? Very possibly. It was so beautiful in reality; huge, much bigger than it appears here, and I was frustrated that I couldn’t capture its scale or beauty.
Perhaps it’s the colour, that incredible glow of pink and lilac. The light was staggering; that light just after the sun had set when the sky burst into colour.
How did we get to September? Looking back, I realise my previous post was from the end of July, and I certainly didn’t expect to skip the whole of August. The whole of August. And it was a good month (heat and humidity aside) as we had a week’s holiday with day trips to Northumberland and Fife, so yes, I have a bit of catching up to do here.
After finishing this week’s work, I’d settled down this afternoon to edit some photos from the weekend to share here, but then as I was scrolling back looking for something I came across this set of photos from a walk at Yellowcraig in April. I thought I’d shared them here already – I had posted this walk on Steller – but no, I think I was probably still in that in-between stage where I wasn’t sure about sharing walks here. I was in the ‘to blog or not to blog’ phase. So, I thought I’d rewind to these cooler days of early April when these beach walks were still chilly, and when we were starting to enjoy evening light again.
If you saw my previous post, then this one perhaps needs little introduction. Except that while the previous post was from a solo walk last Friday night, this is from yesterday, after another showery day when we’d hoped to get out in the evening, but then the rain settled in and we accepted that we might not be going anywhere.
I’m having a day where I’m feeling a bit under the weather, which definitely makes it harder to simply focus and sit and write, so I thought I’d come here with a blog post to simply… get words flowing. Switch my brain into that place. And to share these photos from Friday evening. We’d been planning to head down the coast, as we usually do on a Friday night to mark the close of the week and let the lads have a good long run, but the weather had other ideas. To be honest, had we felt less tired, we’d have got in the car regardless of the weather, but I left the lads and Richard at home and headed out for a local walk. A solo walk in the rain, I should say.