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1st July 2021

We drove down the coast on Sunday evening, hoping for a cooler walk after another warm day. Also, our evening walks are about quietness. We want to get to the beach when most other people have gone home, which is making these midsummer walks happen later and later in the day. But that’s okay. And Sunday night didn’t disappoint. We followed our usual route: through the woods, enjoying the dense, lush green; across the grassland that’s now scattered with wildflowers, with bursts of purple and pink; along the top of the dunes, winding along the sandy paths, which Bracken (strolling along the beach above) and Harris (below) always enjoy; and then down onto this wide expanse of sand.

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25th June 2021

I can’t recall when we started marking the summer solstice with a coastal walk – it was a few years back anyway. It always feels like a day to celebrate, if a bittersweet one to me (as I mentioned in my previous post) as while June 21 is the longest day, it’s also the turning point after which our days creep shorter again. If I had to split the year into seasons by hopefulness, the point between the clocks changing towards the end of March and the solstice is, for me, the hopeful time.

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21st June 2021

How did we get to the summer solstice already? It’s a bittersweet date: the start of summer and the longest day of the year, but I can never shake the awareness that the days will creep shorter from now on. I know, that’s a bit of a ‘glass half empty’ mentality, right? Which isn’t me! But that’s just the reality of the solstice, although thankfully it’ll be weeks before we can really feel the days shift. So we make the most of these evenings and don’t ever take them for granted, knowing that these long, long days are always too brief.

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3rd July 2020

It’s been just over a month since my last post, and I’m not sure how this happened. While it feels as if lockdown has lasted for a very long time indeed, when it comes to work and deadlines and cramming things into a week, June seemed to fly past. Anyone else feeling this? Lockdown has created a pattern where every piece of work has taken longer to do, and I was creating Steller stories too, so the blog took a backseat. But here we are on July 3, and this feels like a big date in Scotland as after all these weeks (almost fifteen weeks) of staying close to home, we can travel again. Just knowing that we can get in the car and go places, and return to our much-missed coastal walks, feels so good. 

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15th May 2020

I’m sure most of us feel this way, but this lockdown period has really highlighted the things that are most important in my life. I realise this will mean different things for different people, particularly those who are missing their family and friends, but for me this means: my little family, both canine and human; taking photos (always, as I mentioned in my previous post); being out in nature (taking photos); getting on my yoga mat regardless of how I’m feeling, because ten minutes into practice, you remember why it is that you practice; and tech, because six weeks of sharing a MacBook with my other half in our new shared WFH life pretty much clarified how important tech is every day.

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