

26th April 2022

Every so often we’ll have a beach walk where the light just surprises us. ‘Surprise’ isn’t really a strong enough word. Astounds us is probably a better description. Indeed, this has happened a lot recently with some incredible sunsets. But I’m really referring to those days when the skies are gloomy; those ‘nothing-y’ days with low cloud cover, when you don’t expect any light drama, and then suddenly, there it is.

Saturday was one of those days. We pulled in to the car park at Yellowcraig and wondered why it was so empty. And then we got out the car and realised it was baltic, much colder than we’d anticipated. We walked through the woods, sheltered from the wind that was about to hit us as soon as we reached the grassland and the dunes. And by the time we reached the beach, our spring walk on an April weekend was clearly a winter walk. The wide, wind-blasted expanse of sand stretched before us, and we walked along the beach to the background roar of the waves. Until, unexpectedly, the light broke through the clouds. It was fleeting, but beautiful.

We walked back towards Fidra, the drama having passed. But… not quite. The light had one final flourish as the wind drove the clouds inland, leaving behind this blue sky. It didn’t last long before the next wave of cloud arrived over the Forth, but still, these are moments to appreciate.

Yellowcraig, East Lothian.