There’s no denying the shift in the seasons at the moment. Last week, you could feel the evenings slip away as it seemed to be getting darker day by day. To be honest, I’m ready for autumn; I’m ready for cool weather and bracing beach walks, but I’m never ready to lose evening light. And this year, we’ve appreciated our evenings even more. Lockdown shifted perspective, right? We’ve appreciated just being outdoors, whether keeping it local with walks at the ash lagoons or along the sea front, or those nights of just getting in the car and escaping down the coast.
These photos are from a walk at Yellowcraig early in August, when the evenings were still long. It had been a warm day, so we’d waited until the temperature dipped a little before heading to the beach. When we reached the grassland behind the dunes we were surprised to find so many people camping, and then walking back along the beach, as you sweep round to the section that look towards Fidra, the dunes were lined with tents and people having barbecues in the sand. I’ve never seen as many campers here. We assumed this was due to foreign travel restrictions and quarantine worries, and people deciding to keep things simple and have a socially distanced local break instead. Even as someone who’s never been camping, I can agree that it would feel pretty amazing to wake up here, on this beach, to this view. So I thought I’d share some photos from this evening walk, and this incredible glowing sunset.
Yellowcraig, East Lothian, Saturday 8 August.
You can see more from this walk on my Steller story here.